Jan Drak

Personal development consultant

We will walk together on the path of self-discovery
toward life goals and fulfillment.

"The potential of your life lies right in front of you.
You can decide to reach it right now."

Personal consultancy

Personal development consulting is intended for people who want to grow and work on themselves. They are motivated to make changes in their lives and are looking for ways to improve, optimise, or achieve their life dreams.

The basic prerequisite is openness to personal change and self-improvement.

Key to Life

Key to Life is an effective method for uncovering and healing subconscious mental and emotional patterns, beliefs, and traumas that are the root causes of our life challenges.

Thanks to work done in deep relaxation, the results are exceptionally effective and have a lasting impact on all areas of life – personal, family, and professional.

How will this help me?

You’ll have the opportunity to make new decisions
about important aspects of your life.

You’ll gain more freedom and ease,
see the world more vibrantly again, and joy will return.

You’ll reclaim the strength,
you invested in something or someone you no longer want to stay attached to.

You’ll say goodbye to feelings like
"I can't do anything about it."
"What would others say about it?"
"Why me?"
"I'll never manage this!" and similar.

Training and consultations

for companies and entrepreneurs

For individuals and small teams, I offer half-day and full-day training sessions and consultations on topics related to communication skills.

  • understanding others and oneself
  • favourable communication and personal competence
  • basics of persuasion and negotiation
  • presentation skills
  • self-presentation and self-assertion
  • emotional intelligence and personal boundaries

Who am I

My lifelong passion is understanding—looking beneath the surface of everyday life and recognizing the principles that make up the world. This is why I have always been fascinated by people and their inner processes.

I have practical experience in corporate communication and customer service in a small business environment. Besides my professional life, I have completed training in counseling and working with people out of personal interest.


V oblasti duševního a fyzického zdraví mohu z vlastní zkušenosti vřele doporučit tyto navazující terapie:

Filip Krystal, kraniosakrální terapie
Praha 4

Mgr. Hana Mikulová, psychoterapie
Praha 1



+420 777 771 251




Týnská ulička 6 (map)
Prague 1 – Old Town


Jack Dragon Consulting s.r.o
Londynska 254/7
102 00, Prague 2 Vinohrady

CIN: 21467722
TIN: CZ21467722
DB: n6f9yqf

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